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Ward Bio

Zinnias Karma


Adam "Fucking" Ward


Starting his percussion career in grade 10 after a switch to percussion from Tennor Sax after and unfortunate break of his left Collar bone, he fell in love with the beats right away. Swinging himself to form 4 bands over his private musical adventures, he formed his first band "Disturbing Peace" with fellow members Adam Hannon and Boddy Barret. This Hard rocking band played various shows throughout Cambridge, they later named the band to "Hypertension" due to copyrights. Adam later left the band to for "Axis" with guitarist Mike Jordan, singer Alley whatsherface, and Rory whoknows from the later months of "Hypertension". This group did not last long due to conflicting work schedules and musical backrounds of each member. 3 months after it's creation, "axis" broke up. Adam stayed out of bands for about a year until he formed "Melatonin" with school friends Boris Lendvai, Rick Purcell, and Bobby Barret. "Melatonin" wrote few songs with no drive or ambition. A year later "Melatonin" broke up. 2 Months later Zinnias Karma was born from a walk with Adam and Boris sharing a vision of forming a band with just the two and bringing in other's when they were needed. After 3 jam sessions this idea changed and Andrew Brydson was brought in for Lead guitar. After about a month Bassist Allison walker was brought in to form what it now "Zinnias Karma".

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